Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Charm Offensive

"I'm in love", Chester declared to me a few months back.
"Oh really", I reply " Who with, Pasha?" (Mary in the christmas nativity, lovely south african parents, great prospects!)
"Um, Lily?" I guess. (Pretty, blonde and adores Chester!)
"Nope, Sareeka" He smiles. "I'm going to marry her!"

At this point Tallulah pushes her way into the conversation..
"And Mummy, he has got a ring in his pocket!"

Chester looks coy and covers his pocket protectively with his hand.

"What ring?", I say, slightly annoyed that he is hiding it but quietly impressed that he has put so much thought into his proposal.

I take back the ring which as it happens is a rather lovely piece of costume jewellery given to me by one of my sisters that Chester must have pilfered from my jewellery box and explain that although Sareeka is a really lovely girl I'm not sure she is right for him  - I think the 20 year age gap could become an issue!
Sareeka is actually Chesters nursery teacher and he adores her, much to the irritation of the little girls in his class who ever since Chester turned up to nursery dressed as a soldier for their Royal Wedding party have been recruiting him as 'Will' for their Kate and Will wedding games and can not understand why he would rather hang out with the teacher than them.

Chester you see is disarmingly romantic. One mum at nursery nicknamed him Casanova after he insisted on taking in biscuits and cards for her little girl Zoe  - and Sareeka of course! - for Valentines day.
He is very quickly learning that looking cute will not always get him what he wants and so at the tender age of 4 has developed an incredibly effective charm campaign. He will frequently and unprompted interupt whatever activity he is participating in, put his head to one side, look at me with his huge saucer sized eyes and the longest eyelashes you have ever seen, smile and say,
"Mummy, I really love you". I Melt. He will then generally follow this with a request for sweets or biscuits. Im defenseless.
In fact it seems wherever he goes within minutes he has managed to attract the prettiest girls in the room who will then follow him around giggling and flirting for as long as he is interested.

And so as Sports Day hails the end of term and the children are chanting his name as runs in his final race with obligatory bean bag on his head I shed a few tears. He has had such a wonderful nursery school experience and has forged some lovely relationships aswell as having his first crush that I feel sad that my gorgeous little boy has to grow up and move on. I watch him gently kiss his teachers goodbye whilst he hands them their leaving gift and I try so hard to keep myself composed.

I wish for my sake he retains his wonderful sense of charm and chivalry that will no doubt get him in and out of trouble and the for the sake of his future girl friends he never loses it.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Those Quiet Moments.

I suppose I'm feeling sentimental today...
Yesterday morning my new baby nephew Jonjo was born. When I woke up the sun was beaming and it was a gorgeous balmy summers day...what a fantastic day to enter the world. There is nothing more magical than bringing home a new baby. As my babies get older I appreciate so much more how precious that time is when they are tiny and as the hazey cloud of it all is lifting now Felix is 18 months I occasionally think back to those evening cuddles and middle of the night feeds, when all the noise of the day has gone and it is me and this tiny little person.
So when Felix woke at stupid o'clock the other morning - he is still not used to the light mornings and sits in his cot and shouts for me - although half asleep and irritated at being woken from a comfortable slumber I went in to see him..He was standing in his cot smiling at me and pointing to the door. I picked him up and we tiptoed downstairs where everything was quiet.
I got his milk and cuddled him whilst he drank..He ate breakfast and I took photos....

He played, I took more...

He entertained..I took more.

Even though I was tired and ever so slightly hung over from the night of drinking and dinner with our friends who were cosily tucked up in bed in the cabin, I was grateful for that lovely quiet time with my precious baby once more.